Business Lending

Compare Types of Business Lending

Types of Business Loans
Good for
Required Credit Score
Fundability Factors
Credit Line Hybrid (Credit Cards)
New businesses that don’t have any docs or have low revenue
Good personal credit is necessary (yours or a guarantor's)
Personal Credit History Foundation
Account Receivable Financing
Businesses which have ongoing receivables to leverage
Bad credit is okay
Business Revenue Financing
Businesses which can prove good cash flow over time
Bad credit is okay
Business Financials Foundation
Merchant Cash Advance
Businesses processing significant numbers of credit cards
Bad credit is okay
Financials Foundation
Startup business owners and entrepreneurs with retirement assets
Bad credit is okay
Financials Foundation
Book of Business
Insurance entrepreneurs looking to leverage their business assets for financing
Bad credit in the 500s is okay
Application Process Business Financials Foundation
SBA Loans
Businesses looking to finance new projects, expansion, real estate, and more
Good credit is necessary
Business Financials Business Information Foundation Personal Financials Personal Credit History Credit Reports
Equipment financing
Businesses that want or need new or upgraded equipment for daily operations
Average credit in the 600s is okay
Business Financials Foundation Personal Credit History
Commercial real estate financing
Businesses which own or are looking to buy commercial real estate
Average credit in the 600s is okay
Foundation Financials
House reseller financing
Businesses looking to rehab and flip houses with $30,000 or more in liquidity and no other assets
Average credit in the 600s is okay
Personal Credit History Financials Foundation
Inventory financing
Businesses looking to leverage existing inventory valued at $500,000 or more and no other collateral
Bad credit is okay
Business Financials Foundat ion
Term loans
Companies with longer time in business, looking for longer term financing at better rates
Good credit is necessary
Application submission Foundation Personal Credit History
Securities-based lines of credit
Businesses where the owners have stocks and bonds and no other collateral
Bad credit is okay
Financials Foundation

What is Business Lending

A foundation comes from how your business is set up. It has to be set up as a Fundable entity separate from you, the owner.

Business lending is borrowed capital offered by lenders to businesses. In exchange for this money, lenders require repayment of principal plus interest and fees. Often, these require the borrower to make regular payments on a set schedule. But repayment terms and interest rates can vary depending on the type of lending, the lender, and the borrower’s Fundability.

Businesses can apply this capital toward expenses they are unable to pay for themselves. Or, they can use it for expansion, to make payroll, to buy out a competitor, or for any other business purpose the ownership can think of.

Traditional Lending

With traditional lending (also called conventional lending), a chartered bank lends directly to businesses and/or individuals.

Fintech & Alternative Lending

More and more business lending is being done through FIntech or alternative lending sources.. Fintech often uses AI (artificial intelligence) to get documents electronically and quickly evaluate those documents and other data to make fast approval decisions. Often these FinTech companies are backed by industrial banks.

How to Qualify for Small Business Loans

Understanding small business lending qualifications means putting yourself in a small business lending company’s shoes. What are they really trying to find out from you before they lend you money?

They want exactly 2 primary things from you:
To make sure you CAN
pay them back, and
To make sure you WILL
pay them back.

Proving You Have the Ability to Pay a Loan Back

Lenders will gauge your ability to pay back a loan by assessing what you can offer them that will prove that. In general, they are looking for any or all of the three “C’s”:

Cash Flow

(business and/or personal)

The three “C’s” are basic qualification factors, determining if you can get financing at all. But your Fundability Factors will be reviewed to determine details such as amounts, terms, and rates.

What is Fundability™ and Why You Need it

Whether you will get a business loan is directly linked to what’s called Fundability™. This is the ability of a business to get funding, and it includes everything from how your business is set up to how your company’s tax returns are prepared. The more Fundable your business is, the more likely it is you will get an approval. Greater Fundability also helps businesses get more money at better terms.

Which Loans are Best for Small Businesses

The best loans for your small business will depend on several factors. First, there is the question of how you can prove you will pay the loan back. Whether that’s through good business or personal credit, cash flow, or collateral—or some combination of these methods—will help to define what kinds of business loans a small business can qualify for.

For Businesses Where the Owner (or a Guarantor) Has Good Personal Credit

Our Credit Line Hybrid program works for entrepreneurs who are just starting their business as well as those who are already well established. Get credit cards, with approval for up to $150,000 in 0%, unsecured, no-doc, business financing with no collateral or cash flow requirements. This program helps you get funding based heavily on personal credit quality. As long as you can verify your business, lenders won’t ask for financials, bank statements, business plans, resumes, or any of the other document that most conventional lenders demand. Get approval with introductory rates as low as 0% for 6 – 18 months.

You can also use business credit to help you qualify. Some of these credit cards will also help build business credit as you use them.

Approval Amount
Credit Quality
Up To $150,000
None Required
None Required

Up to 150K in Unsecured No-Doc Credit Cards for Your Business Even When Banks Say “NO”

For Businesses With Good, Provable Cash Flow

Account Receivable Financing

Many businesses wait weeks, even months to get paid on their outstanding account receivables. This often creates major cash flow issues as they provide goods and services and absorb those costs until they eventually get paid, sometimes 90 days later. With our account receivable financing you can regularly secure money against receivables in as little as 24 hours. Get rates under 2% and financing up to $20,000,000 even if your personal credit scores are under 500.

Approval Amount
Credit Quality
Up To $150,000
None Required
None Required

Business Revenue Financing

Get financing of as much as $500,000 within 72 hours based on a simple review of your business bank statements. With business revenue financing, lenders will not ask for financials, business plans, resumes, or any of the other burdensome document requests that most conventional lenders demand.

Approval Amount
Credit Quality
Up to $500,000
Bad Credit Accepted
None Required
3-5 Months of business bank statements Financials

Merchant Advance and Merchant Card Credit

This type of financing is often called a merchant cash advance, or MCA.

Our merchant financing program works well for business owners who accept credit cards and are looking for fast and easy business financing. Get approval for financing with no collateral requirements and bad credit. Get funding based strictly on cash flow as verifiable per your business bank statements. Our lenders will not ask for financials, business plans, resumes, or any of the other burdensome document requests that most conventional lenders demand.

Approval Amount
Credit Quality
Loan amounts and qualifications depend on credit card statements
Bad Credit Accepted
None Required
3 Months of Bank Statements

Purchase Order Financing

Sometimes you might have large orders to fill but don’t have or want to use your cash flow to pay for the supplies needed to fulfill those orders. Our purchase order financing is a short term finance option providing capital so you can pay suppliers upfront so your company doesn’t have to deplete cash reserves.It allows companies to grow without increased bank debt or selling equity. It also helps you increase market share by ensuring timely deliveries are made to your customers. Our areas of expertise include production finance for work in process and Letters of Credit for trade finance. This includes import and export transactions as well as domestic trade purchases.

Approval Amount
Credit Quality
Up to $20,000
Bad Credit Accepted
Purchase Orders
None Required

After the lenders review your purchase orders you can get initial approval and funding in 2 weeks or less.

Discover Business Financing options you never knew you had with alternative lenders and investors.

For Businesses Where the Owner Can Provide Collateral


401k Plan Financing

401(k) financing offers a powerful and flexible way for new or existing businesses and franchises to leverage assets that are currently in a 401(k) plan or IRA. In as little as 2 weeks you can invest a portion of your retirement funds into your business, giving you more control over the performance of your retirement plan assets and the working capital you need for business growth.

Approval Amount
Credit Quality
Up to 100%
Bad Credit Accepted
None Required

In many cases, you can secure a low interest credit line or loan for 100% of your current 401(k) value.

Book of Business Financing

Insurance agents can get low interest, long term financing using renewable commissions as collateral. With book of business financing, you can get approval for a three to ten year loan or credit line for your insurance business, even with average credit. All you need to qualify is a book of business of renewable commissions. You can even use the book of business for the insurance agency you are buying as collateral for approval.

Approval Amount
Credit Quality
Bad Credit Accepted
Book of Business
None Required

Commercial Real Estate Financing

We offer commercial real estate financing ranging from $100,000 – 20,000,000. You can use it for refinancing a property, even if doing a cash out refinance. Maximum LTV 70%. Loan to values range from 55 – 65% depending on the purpose of the loan. Our funding programs include conventional property financing, money for investment properties, and hard money loans, bridge loans, and loans to buy commercial real estate. Your clients can also get SBA loans. Renovations get a loan to value of up to 60%.

Approval Amount
Credit Quality
Up to $20,000,000
Bad credit accepted
Real Estate
Bank statements

Equipment Financing and Leasing

We offer equipment financing and leasing programs for companies with at least one year in business. Get approval even with challenged credit, as low as a 640 personal credit score. You won’t need financials to secure equipment financing. Approvals take as little as 24 hours. You can get as much as $10,000,000 in equipment financing.

Approval Amount
Credit Quality
Up to $10 million
Average Credit Accepted

House Reseller Financing

Get approval for 100% of the financing you need to buy and rehab residential properties. With house reseller financing, lenders will verify that the amount you are requesting is 65% or less of the after-repair value of the property. Get a short term loan of six months, or get extended terms upon request. There is no prepayment penalty, so you can sell the home faster and pay off the entire loan without any cost to you whatsoever.

Approval Amount
Credit Quality
$25,000-$2 million
Average Credit Accepted

Inventory Financing

With our inventory financing program, you can get a low rate credit line using your current inventory as collateral. Secure a credit line for 50% of your current inventory value if your inventory is worth $500,000 or higher. Get approval for a line with low rates, regardless of your personal credit quality.

Approval Amount
Credit Quality
Bad Credit Accepted
None Required

Securities-Based Line of Credit

With securities-based financing, new or existing businesses and franchises can leverage assets that are currently in stocks or bonds to get a low interest credit line. In as little as 2 weeks you can invest a portion of your stocks or bonds into your business, giving you more control over the performance of your retirement plan assets and the working capital you need for business growth. Get a low interest credit line for as much as 90% of the value of your securities. Most stocks and bonds are accepted. You keep all the interest and appreciation from your securities. There is no prepayment penalty, and the securities remain in your name.

Approval Amount
Credit Quality
Up to 90% of Value
Bad Credit Accepted
Stocks, Bonds, Other Securities
None Required

Discover Business Financing options you never knew you had with alternative lenders and investors.

For Businesses Where the Owner Can Provide Collateral, Can Prove Cash Flow, and Has Good Personal Credit

Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans

Established businesses with tax returns showing good revenues and profitability can get very large sums with Secured Small Business Loans from the Small Business Administration. SBA loans can go up to $5,000,000. SBA offers several programs including 504 and 7(a) loans. Use SBA programs for many purposes including buying a new business, partner buyouts, real estate acquisition, and even working capital.

SBA loans offer some of the longest payback terms available for business financing. You can secure loans for 10, 15, even 20 years with SBA, and get one of their popular CAPLines. In many cases interest rates are as low as 5 – 6% on the financing you secure.

Approval Amount
Credit Quality
Up to $12 million
Good Credit Accepted
50% of loan amount

Term Loans

Term loans are what we tend to think of when we have bank loans in mind. A term loan provides borrowers with a lump sum of cash upfront in exchange for specific borrowing terms. Term loans are normally meant for established small businesses with sound financial statements. In exchange for a specified amount of cash, the borrower agrees to a certain repayment schedule with a fixed or floating interest rate. Term loans may require substantial down payments to reduce the payment amounts and the total cost of the loan.

How to Apply

Applications and other documentation requirements will differ, depending upon the kind of financing you are applying for.

When you work with us, you’re not working with a faceless and gigantic banking organization. Right away, you’ll be assigned to your own personal Finance Specialist who will work directly with you to develop your Finance Blueprint with all the options you can qualify for now this will include business credit accounts.

And, your blueprint maps out the steps to get you more (and perhaps even better) loans and credit lines in the future. It’s easier when you know what they want and need and how to boost your own business credit profile.

Once you choose the financing you’d like from the options you can qualify for, our team goes into action working with our network of brokers and lenders so you can get approved.

Your Finance Specialist helps you get approval, negotiates rates and terms, and helps you through all aspects of the funding process until your loan proceeds are in your bank account. With our help, and when you know how, you can get business financing:

Regardless of Personal Credit Quality
Even with No Assets to Pledge as Collateral
Even with No Revenue

By working with all legitimate funding sources and a wide range of trade accounts, loans and credit lines, we can often get you approval for multiple loan and credit line options, maximizing the amount of capital you receive.


What is a Business Lending Broker?

A business credit broker (often called a business loan broker) is a person who acts to help you get more and better credit cards and loans than you would often be able to get on your own.

What is Business Capital?

Business capital is the money or wealth needed to produce goods and services. In the most basic terms, it is money. All businesses must have capital in order to purchase assets and maintain their operations. Business capital comes in two main forms: debt and equity.

What is Collateral?

Collateral is a borrower’s pledge of specific property to a lender, to secure repayment of a loan or credit.

What is a Credit Line?

A credit line is a representation of the amount of money extended from a vendor or lender available to a business on a net or revolving basis. Both credit cards and lines of credit use credit lines.

What is Secured Financing?

Secured financing is credit issued which requires the security of collateral.

What is Unsecured Financing?

Unsecured financing is credit issued which does not require the security of collateral.

Are Business Lending by Banks and Business Lending by Credit Unions the Only Business Lending Options?

No, and on this page, we’ll touch on some other business lending platforms, a few of which you may never have heard of before.

Is There Business Lending for a New Business?

Absolutely! There is business lending for startups, although it may not come from where you would expect it to.