In a nutshell, how do I get business credit that's not linked to my SSN?

Just like how consumer credit is linked to your SSN, your business credit is linked to your EIN. This means when applying for business credit, it’s usually not required to include your SSN.

Once you properly establish your business entity and Fundability Foundation™, you start off building your business credit profile with smaller vendor accounts.

As your business pays those retailers you will then qualify for revolving store credit cards, and then cash credit you can use anywhere, just like a normal personal credit card.

Keep in mind that because of federal regulation you will still need to supply a SSN for identity verification purposes. Also providing a personal guarantee can open up even more financing options.

How long does it take for me to get Business Credit?

You can qualify for real usable vendor credit immediately. You’ll then start to qualify for store credit within 60-90 days that doesn’t require a personal credit check or personal guarantee. Within 6 months you should have access to $50,000 in real usable credit, including Visa and MasterCard accounts.

You can then continue to build $100,000-$250,000 or higher in business credit within a year to two. And with our Business Finance Suite you (and your clients*) can also gain access to other cash funding programs within a couple of months or less.

* Applies if you’re a partner with us to offer our services to others

What exactly is the Finance Suite? What does it do?

The Business Finance Suite includes the Business Credit Builder Program which is an online platform specifically engineered to walk you through a customized step-by-step process on how to build your business credit – from start to finish. In other words, this program is tailored to YOUR specific situation, which makes your process to getting funds very simple and intuitive.

As you go through the program, you’ll be able to know in real-time, which lending and credit sources you’re pre-qualified or pre-approved for so you have the confidence that you’ll be approved before you even apply!

In addition, you’ll have concierge service from our business credit advisers and finance officers to assist you at any given stage. Between our revolutionary online platform and our LIVE expert team at your fingertips, you’re guaranteed to get results – as long as you actually use the program.

What does the Finance Suite help me do that I can't on my own?

It’s true that between all of our free guides, articles, videos and seminars, you have enough knowledge to go get business credit all on your own. It’s also true that we don’t hold anything back in our sharing of knowledge because at the core of our company, we want to help as many business owners (and those aspiring-to-be) as possible to have a n equal opportunity to succeed and thrive.

With that being said, there still are services you will have to pay for such as 411 listings, business credit monitoring, and a business credit builder so that you’re reporting to the right agencies (costing over $3000), not to mention, you’ll still have to go out and find vendors and lenders. There are also lots of limitations going this way.

The difference with us is that we have already established countless partnerships and affiliations, which allows us to fully leverage the power of our entire company and client-base for each individual client. Essentially, you get to leverage our company for your benefit. Since we do multi-millions of dollars in deals, our sources give us the highest limits, lowest rates, and longest terms.

And due to our established credibility in the business credit and financing industry, it’s easy for us to expand and constantly add even more funding sources and options, which YOU benefit from. That’s how we have the largest supply of vendors and credit issuers than anywhere else.

In short, if you were to try and get business credit and financing on your own or somewhere else, you’ll pay MUCH more than what we ask, and it would take a lot longer. We have this entire process dialed in so that you can get the most amount of funds, in the shortest amount of time, and at the lowest rates possible.

Is this complicated? Can I really do this?

When our company first started, there was not a lot of information on the topic of obtaining Business Credit, especially not one that’s not linked to an SSN. Over the years, we have fine-tuned and upgraded our instructions and the Finance Suite so that it is as easy to follow as possible.

Every step of the Finance Suite includes simple education videos and direct resource links so that your business credit building journey is a ‘no-brainer’. In the rare occasions that you need help, you have our business credit advisers and finance officers to help!

So as long as you’re committed to follow our instructions and are serious about the success of your business, then yes, you really can do this — even if you’re technically challenged. With that being said, it’s important to understand that we do NOT build your business credit FOR you. We help you through simple step-by-step instructions and education. Essentially, follow our instructions and get results.

Is this actually legal? How can I trust you?

A business having its own credit is as real as an individual having their own credit. If you have any questions or concerns with the legitimacy of business credit, check out this link to see what SBA, Experian, Inc, NASDAQ, and other industry leaders have to say.

We have 0 lifetime complaints with the BBB and all other entities, and the few other companies that offer business credit have MANY complaints. Feel free to see our “A” BBB rating, 5-Star Trust Pilot reviews, actual results & approvals, testimonials, and more by clicking here

Great! How do I get started?

If you’re ready to get started with our program, you can check out our package options here.


How does all this really work?

We offer 3 main packages. Our Core program is for you to get business credit and financing for your business.

Our VIP and Ultimate programs are for when you want to build business credit and get financing for your business AND offer those services to customers. We provide you with a turn-key system for you to get business credit and financing for your business, and also be able to sell to your clients. This system, known as the Business Finance Suite, gets money for you and your business owner clients, helping build business credit for your business.

Once you enroll, you become a licensed partner and can then offer your own white-labeled finance suite to clients for whatever price you choose. You receive all the marketing materials you will want to promote business credit and financing, and you’ll also receive extensive training resources.

Once you go through a couple hours of video training you will be able to present the finance suite opportunity to clients, accept their payment, and then they can login to their finance suite to get money and start building their business credit.

Once they login our certified business advisors contact your clients and help them through the funding and business credit building process so you won’t need to.

So you simply make the sale and earn high profits, and the rest is handled for you so there is no back-end to manage.

Does business credit even really exist?

Just as you have a credit file linked to your SSN, your business has a profile linked to its EIN. Experian, Equifax, and Dun & Bradstreet often start your profile when your business applies for a loan, credit card, or even when you setup basic utilities.

From that point most credit yo u apply for won’t report to the business reporting agencies unless you apply for different types of credit in a particular order, or leave your SSN off of the application.

Real business credit can be obtained with no SSN being supplied upon application. This credit doesn’t appear on your personal credit reports either. As you build your business credit your EIN profile and score then becomes essential to helping you qualify for bank loans and credit cards. And you can use EIN credit and EIN credit alone to get approved for many types of credit without a personal guarantee.

Every highly-successful privately and publicly owned company in the United States has business credit. But what many don’t know is that even startups can also obtain it… if you follow the right steps.

How does building business credit really work?

The first step is to ensure your business is setup credibly so you meet credit issuer and lender standards, before you apply. Next you get real useable credit through vendors. These vendors will give you credit when you have no other EIN credit established. And they report this credit to the business reporting agencies.

Within 60 days or less that credit is reported to Experian, Equifax, or Dun & Bradstreet. Once reported, your EIN will then have an established credit report and score.

Using that report and score you can then continue to apply for more tiers of credit where you can start getting access to revolving credit at most stores, credit that’s linked to your EIN and not your SSN and credit that doesn’t require a personal guarantee or personal credit check for approval.

You can continue to grow your credit to obtain fleet cards, even Visa and MasterCard cash credit. And by having business credit established you’ll have a much better chance of getting loans, credit lines, and get these at better terms.

Can people with bad credit get money through the finance suite?

Building business credit correctly means there is rarely a credit check for business owners to qualify. This means all business owners, even those with bad credit, can benefit with the finance suite by building their business credit.

If the business owner has credit challenges and also has some kind of collateral, they can also get funding along with business credit.

Funding can be secured in as little as 30-60 days and most forms of acceptable collateral will qualify including credit card sales, inventory, equipment, receivables, even consistent revenue.

And we have revenue-based funding programs where if a business owner can prove through bank statements that they have consistent revenue, they can be app roved with a credit score as low as 500.

Is this business credit repair or building?

There is no formal process of fixing business credit as there is no FCRA or FACTA laws that deal with business credit reporting. Still, our advisors will help business owners dispute any discrepancies on their business report as part of the program, and they’ll have access to a section where they can go through the business credit dispute process. We even have a step dedicated to fixing errors on business credit reports as part of the finance suite.

But the main function of the finance suite is to help you and your customers build business credit, as well as get money.